Thursday, May 17, 2018

Section 1 Powerpoint notes

main idea:  many germanic kingdoms are reunited under Charlemagne empire
why it matters now: Charlemagne spread christian civilization throughout northern Europe which is where some of us came from
  • middle ages: 476-1453
  • midieval europe is not united at this point 
  • has roots in:
    • the classical heritage of Rome
    • the beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church
    • customs of various germanic tribes
  • germanic tribes caused:
    • disruption of trade
    • downfall of cities
    • population shifts to rural areas 
  • tribes had oral tradition, but couldn't read Greek or Latin
  • languages evolve 
  • few people were literate, only priests
  • germanic warriors' loyalty is to the lord of the manor who provided them w/food, weapons, shelter

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