Friday, May 18, 2018

powerpoint notes cont.

  • clovis rules ranks and partners up with catholic church
  • 520 benedict writes rules for monks
    • vows of poverty
    • chastity
    • obedience
  • his sister scholastica writes similar rules for nuns
  • they operate schools, maintain libraries, and copy books
  •  pope gregory 1 goes secular (worldly power)
  • church revenues are used to help the poor, build roads, and raise armies
  • this is a theocracy/christendom
  • gregory's spiritual kingdom extends from Italy to england, spain to germany
  • clovis rules the franks in gaul until his death in 511
  • most of the rest of europe consists of smaller kingdoms ( 7 just in england)
  • clovis' descendants include charles martel, known as charles the hammer
  • hammer defeats a muslim raiding party from spain at Battle of tours in 732 ( if lost, muslim empire wouldve expanded)
  • charles martel's son is pepin the short
  • he works with the church and is named "king by the grace of God" by the Pope
  • pepin the short dies in 768 leaving 2 sons
  • son #1- carolman dies in 771
  • son #2 is charles aka. charlemagne meaning charles the great
  • charlemagne was 6 feeet 4 inches

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