Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Rome fades away

  • ruled from 284-303
  • persecuted christians
  • said rome needs a big army
  • said rome needs big government
  • divided empire
  • ruled from 306-337
  • said christianity was legal
  • converted to christianity (cross in the sky)
  • 313 edict of Milan proclaims freedom of worship
  • built a new capital in the east 
  • Byzantium - Constantinople
A struggle for the peasants. (14 century)
  • country dwellers are getting bankrupt by endless tax collection
  • new farming system peasants work for others on big farms rather than owning their own farm
  • when peasants find a way to avoid taxes, they pay just as much to a land lord
  • paying off debts and being "allowed" to live on the land, in exchange for back-breaking work
  • landowners hold local power as bishops wielding more real power than far away emperors 
  • this foreshadows feudalism
West empire crumbles
  • rome's power is decreasing while nomadic barbarians gain power
  •  western empire is too poor, begins to be neglected
  • huns migrate from china to eastern europe 
  • visigoths take over spain, and actually capture and loot Rome itself in 410 
  • vandals control carthage and the western mediterranean
  • other barbaric tribes:
    • ostrogoths in italy
    • franks in Gaul (france)
    • angles and saxons in Britain
Important dates:
500 BC- monarchy is abolished
450 BC- the twelve tables
44 BC- julius caesar murdered
27 BC- 180 AD-  The Roman peace (pax romana)

  • constant fith century invasions by barbarion tribes left the western roman empire to crumble
  • the last emperor was a teenage boy installed in 475 by his father who then died
  • barbarians deposed Romulus augustulus without bothering to kill him
  • 476- power given up in rome

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