Thursday, April 26, 2018

Roman Test Day

I just finished my test and i ma only uncertain about 4 questions. i think i got the other ones right.
i took an educated guess on which hill rome was founded on and got it right. Palatine. It just sounded Roman- ish to me. Another question i was iffy about was the one asking who sextus attacked. I guesses Aspasia thinking it sounded Roman... but it has been brought to my attention that she isn actually Greek. Also the question asking which animal was said to have raised the two boys, i said the horse because well there are many horses in Rome. BUT THE ANSWER WAS SHE WOLF?! that just doesnt make sense. the last question i wasnt so sure about was the one asking who the famous Roman poet was, i remembered in an earlier question i related Homer to Virgil, however the anser was Juvenal. SO i think i got 3 questions wrong ( as long as all of my confident answers were right). that would give me a 57 out of 60 on this test which is a 95%. not too shabby

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