Wednesday, April 25, 2018

more Roman Empire notes

Assassination of Caesar:
  • WHY? because the senators saw Caesar's rise in power as a huge threat to their political viability
  • HOW? they lured him to the Senate, stabbing him 23 times, making sure all were involved
  • brutus helped
  • octavion was next in line
  • republic = no longer
  • Julius Caesar'sgrand nephew- and adopted son- Octavion takes over at 18! makes a triumvirate with Marc Antony ( an experiences general) and lepidus (politician)
  • This is the second triumvirate
  • octavion forces the weak Lepidus to retire
  • he and marc antony become rivals
  • mark antony and cleopatra partner up :
    • personally
    • militarilly
    • politically 
    • economically 
  • octavion  defeats them at the battle of Actium
  • he is now the unchallenged ruler of Rome
  • now called "caesar augustus"
  • imperator= supreme military leader
  • now rome is an empire
  • 40 yrs of ruling as a emperor
  • pax romana= roman peace
  • pax romana lasted 207 years
  • octavius gained land in africa and improved Rome:
    • build roads
    • collect taxes
    • establish postal service
    •  grain supply
    • build aqueducts
    • police department
    • fire fighters
  • caesar augustus died of natural causes
  • Tiberius- ruled from AD 14- 37
    • an excellent general, but a reluctant emperor
    • after son died, he quit on rome
    • died at 77
  • Caligula- ruled from AD37-41
    • he was a cruel tyrant
    •  extreme, legendary pervert
    • spent tax $ on himslef
    • weird and creepy
  • Claudius- ruled from 41-54 AD
    • possibly had cerebral palsy
    • built aqueducts, roads, and canals
    • killed  by wife with poison 
  • Nero- ruled from AD 54-68
    • viewed himself as an artist
    • raided temples for $
    • wanted to only rebuild rome to be beautiful 

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