Monday, April 23, 2018

roman empire continues

  • they made bread and held circuses to distract the plebians and keep them from a revolt
  • Tiberius Gracchus recognized the advantages of courting the plebians (even though he was ultimately unsuccessful)
  • military generals worked that angle - lead an army that conquers a land, then give them a share in the spoils
  • soldier's loyalty was to their military leader, not necessarily to Rome or the republic
  • julius Caesar (100-44 BC)
  • a highly successful general 
  • he conquered the territory of Gaul 
  • he made the common folks happy, orator
  • made friends in high places
    • Pompey (a general who conquered Syria and Palestine)
    • Crassus ( the richest man in rome, one of the richest men in all history)
  • these men formed the First Triumvirate "rule of three men"

  • "crossing the Rubicon" when you have made a decision you can't change it 
  • serves as a consul 
  • appoints himself govenor of Gaul 
  • Pompey is jealous, becomes his rival
    • caesars army and pompey's fight and caesar wins 3 times 
  • in 44 BC he is named dictator, first for 6 months, now for life 
Caesar's Reforms:
  • granted citizenship to people in provinces
  • expanded the Senate, adding his friends and weakening the institution overall
  • created jobs for the poor through public projects such as building roads and aqueducts
  • increased pay for soldiers 
  • started colonies where those without land could own property

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