Saturday, April 28, 2018

book Notes section 3 4 and 5

 Section #3
The rise of Christianity:
Life and teachings of Jesus
  • jesus born in bethlehem
  • jesus grew up in nazareth
  • baptized by John the baptist
  • the twelve apostles
  • we know most about him the gospels 
  • pilate arrested jesus and nailed him to a cross
  • his body was placed in a tomb, we reincarnted 3 days later
  • Paul wasn't christian , but then he had a vision of jesus. so he changes
  • he wrote the epistles and stressed that jesus was the son of god and died for people's sins
  • paul declared that christianity should welcome all converts
  • in 132 AD, the jews tried to break free from Roman rule. many died
  • most jews were driven from their homeland into exile. the dispersal of jews is called the diaspora
  • be the second century, pax romana was coming to an end
  • the romans exiles, imprisoned or executed christians 
  • martyrs= people willing to sacrafice their lives for the sake of a belief or cause
A world religion
  • reasons christianity grew:
    • it embraced all people ( men women slaves poor nobles)
    • it gave hope to the powerless
    • it appealed to those who were repelled by rome
    • it  offered a personal relationship with a loving god
    • promised eternal life after death
  • 312 Constantine (roman leader) prayed in battle and saw a cross. then he ordered crosses on the shields. they won. so he ended persecution of christians 
  •  bishop, a priest who supervises local churches
  • peter was the first bishop in rome and the very first pope
  • rome was the center of the Church
  • new testament added
  • Nicene creed defined the basic beliefs of the Church
  • St. Augustine ( father of church) taught that humans needed the grace of God to be saved, he wrote the City of God. 
Section #4 The fall of the Roman Empire
A century of Crisis
  • the reign of emperor Marcus Aurelius marked the end of 2 centuries of peace in rome
  • economy weakened: 
    • pirates disrupted trade
    • lacked new sources of gold and silver
    • raised taxes
    • coines contained silver
  • inflation= a drastic drop in the value of money coupled with a raise in prices
  • overworked soil on farmed in Italy stopped producing
  • serious food shortages, disease spread, population declined
  • over time, soldiers only would work for $
  • mercenaries= foreign soldiers who fought for $
  • feelings of loyalty to Rome weakening  
Emperors attempt reform
  • diocletian became emperor 284
  • he limited personal freedoms and set fixed prices for goods
  • diocletian claimed to be a descendant from the Gods
  • he divided the empire into the Greek- speaking East (greece, egypt, anatola, and syria) and latin speaking West (italy, gaul, spain  and britain). he took the east half.
  • east was richer than the west
  • when he retired, civil war broke out. Constantine was among 4 others competing for power
  • Constantine gained the West in 312 and the East in 324
  • 330 AD, he moved captial from Rome too the Greek city Byzantium
  • Constantine renamed Byzantium to Constantipole
  • after Constantine died, the empire divided again.
Western Empire Crumbles
  • collapsed due to worsening internal problems, separation of east and west, and outside invasions
  •  that is as far as i read !! peace out

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