Sunday, January 28, 2018

Schick powerpoint notes

  • aristocrats attended symposiums
  • symposiums: meetings where the elite men would enjoy wine, poetry,performances by dancers and acrobats, and discussed politics
  • nobody in history had ever given their people power up until this point
  • no women in politics, except maybe as a wife or "entertainment"
  • no middle class allowed in symposiums and certainly, no slaves
  • sometimes even aristocrats (who didnt have the right connections and fell out of favor) were excluded
  • aristocrats would form alliances with hoplites
  • hoplites: well armed soldiers
  • tyrant was someone who seized power from the people in charge or set up their own shadow government
  • Draco (621 BCE)
    • all Athenians, rich and poor, are equal under the law
    • but death is the punishment for many cromes
    • debt slavery is ok ( work as slave to repay debts)
  • Solon's reforms (594 BCE)
    • outlaws debt slavery
    • all athenian citizens can speak at the assembly
    • any citizen can press charges against wrongdoers
  • draconian:man overly harsh punishment for something 
  • Cleisthenes' reforms (500 BCE)
    • allowed all citizens to submit laws for debate at the assembly
    • created the counsel of 500
    • still no women, slaves, or "foreigners"

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