Tuesday, January 30, 2018

rule over Athens

  • hippias was a tyrant who ruled from 527-510 BCE 
  • his brother was murdered, and so his rule became harsh
  • eventually he was expelled from athens, ostracized 
  • in revenge, he began working with the Persian King Darius 1, helping them invade marathon
  • with Hippian gone, isagoras and Cleisthenes (both aristocrats) faught for power
  • Isagoras had support from some fellow aristocrats plus from Sparta
  • Cleisthenes had support from the average people in Athens
  • isagoras won and becomes archon eponymous (tyrant)
  • he ostracizes Cleisthenes, his only opponent
  • cleisthenes' supporters- and  the ordinary athenian citizens- revolt against Isagoras' tyranny in 508 BCE!!!!!!
  • this was the first time in history ever that any group of people even had thought about overthrowing the government.... THIS HAD NEVER BEEN THOUGHT OF LET ALONE EVEN DONE UNTIL NOW
  • they trap Isagoras on the acropolis for two days, on the third day he fled and was banished
  • Cleisthenes in power- he was definately a member of the elite 
  • very rich
  • insulated from the "hoi polloi"
  • but... a crafty  polotician
  • saw the value of tapping into the talents, intelligence, and energies of the non-aristocrats
  •  too bad he didnt realize the value of women

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