Thursday, January 25, 2018

Warring City States

rule and order in Greek city states:
  • polis= city state
  • made up of a city and its surrounding countryside which includes numerous villages
  • agora= a marketplace
  • acropolis= fortified hill top where citizens gathered to discuss city government
  •  monarchy= a government ruled by a single person called a king
  • aristocracy= a government ruled by a small group of noble, landowning families
  • oligarchy= a government ruled by a small group of powerful people through military takeover
  • aristocrats were normally families of military officers, merchants, and artisans
  •  repeated clashes occurred between rulers and common people
  • tyrants= powerful leaders who seized control of the government with the support of commoners
  • common def of tyrants is way different...
  • in ancient greece tyrants were looked upon as leaders who would work for the interests of ordinary people, created job opportunities 
Athens builds a limited democracy:
  • democracy=rule by the people
  • citizens participated directly in political decision making
  • Draco's idea was that all athenians rich and poor, were equal under the law
  • Debt slavery= debtors worked as slaves to repay their debts
  •  Solon stated that no citizen should own another citizen, he outlawed slavery
  • all citizens could participate in the athenian assembly
  • Cleisthenes broke up the power of nobility
  • he allowed all citizens to submit laws for debate and passage
  • counsel of 500 chosen out of random citizens
  •  only free adult male property owners born in athens were considered citizens
  • women, slaves, and foreigners had few rights and weren't considered
  • only sons of wealthy families were educated
  • they received training even in logic and public speaking 
  • when boys got older, they entered military school
  • women were taught at home by mothers about managing household and how to be a good wife and mother
  • only few women learned to read and write
Sparta Builds a military state
  •  sparta is located in the southern part of greece in Peloponnesus
  •  sparta built a military state

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