Thursday, December 7, 2017

Sub Day

Mr. Schick wasn't in class today, so we basically had a free mod. I used this time well too study, plan when im going to study over the next week, and to plan my week. How im going to study for my exams is a pretty simple routine that i use for all my tests. I read over all my notes, make separate quizlets for each chapter or unit, and make flash cards. Then i read notes/ flash cards out loud all around my house while im walking. I will then distract myself for like 10 minutes and quiz my self without reviewing any notes before hand. I complete this process many times. I started this process for my religion exam last night, I'm going to finish my flash cards for that tonight. Also, tonight i will finish my flash cards for this human geo class since it is the second exam i take. I hope I do not procrastinate studying today and the rest of the days i have and that i do my very best to be prepared.

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