Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Exam Discussion

In class, Mr. Schick went over the procedures for the exam week. He informed us that we should probably pack a lunch because in our 30 minutes between each exam, everyone is going to be in the cafeteria in line to buy food. Also, we have our Social Studies exam next Wednesday at 10 am in our class room and we will be with our class now. Most teachers will let us study after we are done taking the exams however we may not go on phones or computers. So, i should come to the exams prepared with my study notes and flash cards for the test i take later. Mr. Schick said for his exams that our tests that we have taken each unit are basically our study guides and what we will need to know. We will be getting our exam review this Friday. For the Social Studies exam, the test will be out of 100 points and it is going to be 20% of our overall semester grade. There are 100 multiple choice questions and 2 essays. The multiple choice questions are half of a point each and each essay is 25 points. Mr. Schick told us of one of the essay prompts so far, and he will tell us the other one later when he comes up with the question. The first essay is going to be about the 5 steps of Demographic Transition and about Population Pyramids. So, I should  probably know the importance of rate of natural increase, net migration rate, push and pull forces, life expectancy, total fertility rate, infant mortality rate, birth rate, and death rate.

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