Saturday, November 18, 2017

test day again

Mr. Schick wasn’t in class today, and we took a test. I think that I did pretty good on the test. Part of the test was on knowing how to navigate factbook. This part wasn’t hard because we had done a lot of practice with it during this unit. The types of things we needed to know was where to find population, growth rate, death rate, total fertility rate, GDP per capita, amount of population without electricity. We had to complete this portion of the test in 15 minutes, then we had to close our computers. The rest of the test wasn’t that difficult. I only remember a few of the questions. But they were mostly about these topics: population pyramids, push and pull forces, and more vocab on our teacher’s blog. We had to write about two specific push forces and two specific pull forces. My two pull forces were 1. Spain has high unemployment levels 2. Egypt has less women’s rights. My two pull forces were 1. United states has religious freedom and 2. Canada has a good healthcare system. Overall I think I did well on the test, we will just have to wait and see.

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