Saturday, October 14, 2017


Yesterday in class, we used factbook again. Mr. Schick asked us to get one interesting fact about any country in the world. Of course, I looked for at least 10 minutes to find a really cool fact… but I couldn’t find one sufficient. I guess I was looking for the most interesting thing in the world because I just couldn’t pick one fact or even one country! There were so many countries to choose from and I wanted to make sure no one else had the same country as me. To start my process, I closed my eyes and scrolled to a random country. I ended up with Tuvalu, and I was like great, I’ve never heard of this! So, I looked in factbook and there were so many surprising details about this country. Here are some facts I recorded:
·       Tuvalu is located in Oceana about half the way from Hawaii and Australia
·       It is one of the smallest and remote countries on Earth
·       It contains 6 of the 9 coral atolls
·       Has lagoons open to the Pacific Ocean
·       Its roads add up to only 8 km
·       Has only one airport
·       A population of about 11,052
·       Only 45% of the population has electricity
·       Highest point is 4.6 meters above sea level
·       GDP per capita is low at $3,500
·       People make a living mainly through exploitation of the sea, reefs, and atolls
·       Fish is the big export

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