Monday, October 16, 2017

from local to global

Scale: From Local to Global
·       At the global scale, encompassing the entire world, geographers tend to see broad patterns
·       “think global, act local”
I learned today all the different uses that oil has. Of course, it is used to fuel cars and other machinery, but oil is also used in plastic. In America we have plastic almost everywhere. We also used factbook today to show how much oil America uses compared to the rest of the world. America follows China and India in world population with a significant difference around 955,310,120 people. I saw that America imports the most oil in the world at 8,567,000 barrels per day. That is way more oil importing than the other biggest countries India and China. India only imports 3,785,000 barrels per day. Also, America seems to “need” so much more oil than many other countries in the world because, aside of importing the most oil than any other country in the world, The United States produces the third highest amount of oil. Meaning not only does the US import the most oil, but we also produce way more oil than we should for our population

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