Monday, October 2, 2017

Regions and Cultural Landscape

Class Notes:
An area of Earth defined by one or more distinctive characteristics is a region.
Cultural Landscape: an area fashioned from nature by a cultural group. The combination of both physical and human characteristics that uniquely define places and areas.
Types of Regions:
A region can be any area larger than a point than the entire planet.
Type #1: several neighboring countries that share similar or important features.
Example: Central America
Type #2: many localities (local places) within a country
Example: South California and North California

Class Discussion topics:
We looked at 3 maps of the united states votes in past 3 different elections. Democratic states were blue and Republican states were red. Some states were consistently voting mostly democratic all three years or republican all three years. For example, some states that are mostly democratic include Washington, Oregon, and California. Some republican states include Texas, Arizona, and South Carolina. However, other states such as Florida and Ohio, go back and forth between being mostly democratic voters or republican voters.

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