Wednesday, October 4, 2017

my regions in usa

After discussing the PSAT for awhile, Mr. Schick showed us what he thinks our school uniform should be. It was a flight uniform, pretty much a jumpsuit. I don’t think I would mind too much because jumpsuits are actually back in style! Anyways, after that we met back into our groups from yesterday and we finished grouping the united states into regions. It was difficult to group the states because they had to be grouped based on geographic features and political features. For example, one of my regions is West Coast. This region includes Oregon, Washington, California, and Nevada. I grouped these states because they are mostly democratic and they are along the west coast all bordering each other. Another region is New England which includes New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and Maine. I grouped these states together because they are mostly urban and democratic. Also, they are all in North Eastern USA.

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