Thursday, September 28, 2017

Maryland Crabs vs. Japanese Crabs

We had our first pop quiz today in human geo! I think that I did pretty well but I definitely got Africa and Sub- Saharan Africa mixed up. I had a shadow today and I feel bad because she had to take the quiz too! I walked into class today as a mess though, I had the worst hiccups ever. They hurt so bad, and it was so hard to introduce my shadow, Abbie, to the class. Thankfully Mr. Schick noticed and totally caught me off guard. He walked up right next to me and yelled! Abbie and I were so freaked out, but then I was soooooo happy that Mr. Schick cured my hiccups. Also, in class today we reviewed the sub work from yesterday. We talked about what made our site in Harford County Maryland unique and Mr. Schick told us about how the site in Chicago is vastly different. He lead me to realize that we should not judge how people from other parts of the world live their life. These variations of cultures we formed from the different climates and sites that each area provided that makes people who they are today and what makes them unique.

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