Wednesday, September 6, 2017

ancient greece research

We did mini research about ancient Greece today in my wonderful Human Geography class.
Here are some new vocab/topics we learned about:
-          Agora: a public open space used for assemblies and markets. It was the center of athletic, artistic, spiritual, and political life for the heart of the city
-          Polis: a city in ancient Greece, especially as considered in its ideal form for philosophical purposes. Ruled by their own citizens.
-          508 BC in Greece: Democracy is introduced in Athens by Cleinsthenes. He establishes a constitution and is often called the “Father of Athenian Democracy”. This was the first time in history, a people had revolted against their rulers! EVER! This was the foundation of many governments to come and started the idea of people revolting.
-          Socrates: a Greek philosopher credited as one of the founders of western philosophy. He taught many young people and made them think. Socrates contributed to the field of ethics. Socrates was also a classical writer.

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