Monday, February 26, 2018

Philosophy crashcourse notes

  • philosophy= what is the nature of philosophy itself
    • Why do you do what you do 
    • why do you think what you think
    • why do you feel what you feel 
  • some of these are beyond our ability to answer, but we should still ask the questions
  • a way of approaching the world
  • mythos- storytelling
  • philos- science
  • philosophia= the love of wisdom
  • philosophy= the academic study of anything (back in time of ancient greece this is what it meant)
  • Plato's academy
  • Aristotle's Lyceum- math, biology, physics, poetry,, political science ect..
  • philosophy came to be understood more as a way of thinking about the questions,, not necessarily the answers given
  • what is the world like?
  • what is the nature of reality?
  • is the world just made up of matter and energy, or is there something else going on

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