Thursday, September 7, 2017

idiots and controversial topics

First in class, I drank from a water fountain the was covered in green from rust. Its ok though because the water was yummy. Anyways, Mr. Schick started class and he asked us what controversial topics or problems in the world are in the news lately. The class picked a topic (I don’t want to say because I’m afraid the problem will see this). So, the class gave their opinions on the problem and some possible solutions. Mr. Schick questioned our solutions, he never told us that we were right or wrong though. He simply wanted to ask us questions to make us think, and if that did or didn’t change our opinion then whatever. He was using the Socratic Method, founded by the Ancient Greek Philosopher Socrates. Also, we discussed that visitors from all over the world gathered in Athens to share their knowledge and spread their ideas. And, i learned in the Athenian Democracy, the people took pride in being able to participate in the politics/government. However, there were people who didn’t participate in the democratic state. These people we known as idiots. Not like an idiot now saying that they are stupid. An idiot in Athenian Democracy was someone who was characterized by self-centeredness and was only concerned about their private life, not about the bigger picture. An idiot mainly cared about their family, themselves, and just their small life. They did not partake in voting or anything of the matter, and they didn’t get involved in this new and growing idea of democracy in Athens. Idiots were born and citizens(only citizens could vote) were made through education.

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