Monday, September 11, 2017

9/11 at john carroll

In class today, we review what happened sixteen years ago today. Our class, being freshman, didn’t live through September 11, 2001. So, Mr. Schick wanted to make sure we fully understood what happened here at John Carroll on that morning. He said that John Carroll was in mass when the principal made the announcement that one of the twin towers was hit by a jet plane. Still, he said everyone was confused on what was going on. Many classrooms had the news on showing everything live. Eventually, the student’s parents started coming and there was no way to sign kids out so parents just ended up leaving with their children. It was chaotic. Many of my teachers today acknowledged and talked about their experience on this day and how this tragedy brought this nation together. Also, after talking for a little bit about 9/11, we reviewed for our 100-point test tomorrow.

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