Tuesday, September 12, 2017

first human geo test- reflection

I took my first human geography test today, and it wasn’t too bad. I think that I did good on the selected response answers except for one. I had no idea what year A Message to Garcia was made in. But I remembered the picture of Elbert Hubbard and I thought his shirt looked like something they would wear in 1899. I just checked what year it was written in and I was right!!! Also, I had such a hard time trying to remember what the word was for Socrates’ crimes. I knew that one of them was corruption of the youth and I knew that the other was that he didn’t believe in or have the same beliefs that the Gods of Athens did. However, I knew that the word started with the letter “i”. So, I started scribbling some words that started with “ i” but I just couldn’t guess it so I moved on with the test. After I finished all the other questions, I went back to this one (I think it was number 11) and it just came it me out of no where! IMPIETY!!!! I was so happy that I finally remembered. Another question that I had some trouble on was essay 3 about what would an average day at the agora look like for me. I wasn’t sure what to say, but I remembered Mr. Schick talking about how black stone meant no when voting in ancient Greece and white stone meant yes, so I thought about that when answering that essay. Finally, the extra credit question… What is Mt McKinley called today? I was so upset that the question asked the name, I remembered everything else about that mountain that we learned about except the name! I thought it would be better to guess than to leave it blank and I thought it started with a “ T” or a “ U”. So I guessed the name as Tumac. I just looked it up and the real name is Denali… I was wayyyyy off. Its ok though, I don’t think I need the extra points, I probably got a B+, though 2 points would be nice.

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