Wednesday, September 13, 2017

facebook friend from egypt

We started our new unit in human geo today!! We took notes on the introduction to the unit. I really enjoy the topics in this class because I love traveling and experiencing other cultures in different parts of the world. Also, Mr. Schick told us about how cool it is that social media and cell phones can get you to connect and communicate with people from all over the world. He told us that when facebook first came out, he was so glad that he got to see his past friends. He also has a friend from Egypt! Mr. Schick couldn’t remember how exactly they became to be friends on facebook, but they did! Egypt recently had their revolution, and these two were friends on facebook at the time. Mr. Schick said that for a week she had just disappeared. Turns out that the government in Egypt had shut down all social media. Once the revolution cooled down, they opened the media again. And what I thought was awesome was that Mr. Schick and his  friend from Egypt got to skype in front of his class, and she told them about what her experience was like living during a revolution. This is a great example of why I love social media. People who would most likely never be able to meet, become friends over social media and they learn about what life is like in two vastly different parts of the world and you get a firsthand experience on what is happening there.

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