Saturday, September 16, 2017

mercator vs. peters map

I have just recently been informed that everything i have learned up to this point in my life is a lie. A little dramatic, I know. But I cannot believe what has been hidden from everyone. The map we know is WRONG!!! The Mercator Map originally made by European explorers is false, it distorts the image of the world. The Peters World map is far more accurate. The Mercator map make continents such as Africa, South America, and Australia appear smaller than they actually are. Also, the Mercator map makes Alaska, Europe, Greenland, and Russia appear much bigger than they are in real life! There is most likely a correlation between the country size on the Mercator Map and the rich/power countries. And in class today, an interesting idea was brought up. What if we flip the World map upside down, using the accurate peters map? The world looked so different and it made the continents normally on the bottom (Africa, South America, Australia), look more important and appear much bigger. The Peters map shows the actual size relationships on the world map and after seeing it for the first time I think that we could utilize the land in these continents more effectively.

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