Monday, September 18, 2017

homework class day

Mr. Schick teaches many classes and has many students. Us students have many classes with lots of homework. He had to finish grading some English essays. So, Mr. Schick told us that we could  have a free class to do any homework we had from other classes. I'm so happy we got to do homework because I hate doing it after soccer really late at night. After, I finished my homework in class I planned out this week and next week’s soccer schedules for the three teams I play on. Its stressful, but I got it all sorted out. Also, Mr. Schick “ordered” a new air conditioner for his classroom because Faith said it was too stuffy. I thought it was pretty funny when he “called” for a new air conditioner because he asked for Faith’s name and she was so scared. I am running out of things to say… so goodnight blog

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