Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Syllabus Day

Today in class, we went over the class syllabus. I now know the late policy, where Mr. Schick’s office is, and I know what Human Geography is. I’m excited to learn about human geography in this class. I love traveling and learning about other cultures and I’ve always been curious on how people live in unique places in the world. Also, now everybody has their blog set up. I wonder what our first topic that we will learn about is going to be. Maybe it will be political geography, or cultural, but it would be so cool if we learned about the food that people in certain areas make and eat. I’m not sure if we learn about that, but it would be interesting. I found out today that this Human Geography class is only one semester long. I will be having Western Civilization next semester. This class is going to be super fun, and I am ready to learn about the world!

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