Tuesday, August 29, 2017

First Day at JC!!

My first day of high school honestly wasn’t as stressful as it could’ve been. I’ve heard some pretty embarrassing first day stories and I was hoping not to have one of my own. I did end up being late to a few classes and I was a little unorganized, but it was super fun! I got to see all my upperclassmen friends in the halls, I know many more names of the kids in my grade than I did a few days ago, I made my locker all cute by adding a chalk board, and the whole varsity soccer team wore ribbons in our hair which was totally cute! Today was a great day for me to transition into the high school life. However, hearing a similar syllabus for every class, was pretty boring .Not to mention, I only got 6 hours of sleep last night so in many of my classes I was barely keeping my eyes open. But, I am glad to say that I made it, today was amazing, and I’m doing my homework right now so tomorrow should be a lovely day. I’m looking forward to four years in this school because I have already made many awesome friends! And whatever stress that comes my way, I can handle because I know I will have a JC family always there.

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