Thursday, August 31, 2017

A Message to Garcia

In A Message to Garcia, Elbert Hubbard points out that, even 100 years ago, people still made excuses for doing simple tasks and hard tasks and that people choose not to do their best on everything. The author, Elbert Hubbard, says how people just go to work so they don’t get fired or how some people make lame reasons not to do something simple when somebody asks. He explains that people just don’t want to help somebody and they choose not to be caring people who want to help when someone needs you to do something. They either make excuses or ask for something in return. I think that whatever task is given to you, no matter how difficult, you can complete. Nothing is impossible. Like Elbert Hubbard wrote about, even if you have to sneak past an army to deliver a message to save your country, you can do it. So why keep yourself from your full potential? I do agree with Elbert Hubbard that people give up too easy even if they haven’t tried yet, and that half-hearted work that some people give is pathetic. If you’re asked to do something or you have to do something, just give it your all because you must do it anyways. You’ll be proud of yourself because you know that you couldn’t have done better. The author stresses the importance and need for more people with a positive mindset and hardworking people to persevere even in hard times throughout his essay A Message to Garcia.

1 comment:

  1. Great interpretation of Hubbard's essay. Your review ends up serving as a pretty good pep talk, too. 48/50 on this essay, giving you 98/100 on the whole assignment. Brilliant!


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