Thursday, August 31, 2017

Five-Action Plan

I’m going to be honest, I procrastinate. A lot. I don’t want to, but I do. I always get what I need to get done, done. However, I wait until the last minute to start it. So, my first step in my five-action plan will be to write sticky notes saying what I need to complete the next day on the wall next to my bed before I go to sleep every night. Next, I want to and need to get way more hours of sleep. So, my second step in my five-action plan is going to be to try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night, even if I have a late soccer practice. Go home, eat dinner and do homework, sleep. For my third step into my action plan, I want to make sure that I get involved in more than one extracurricular activity at John Carroll this year. So, maybe I will try the play in the spring, or track in the winter, indoor soccer, or photography for a club. The fourth step of my action plan this year is going to also help me get a better night sleep. I really want to get my kittens to sleep on my bed when I go to sleep, it so so so cute and It would definitely help me with sleep. :) Last step of my action plan for freshman year is to work my way up to at least 30 minutes of playing time on varsity each game. I know it’s a stretch, but as I said in my previous blog… nothing is impossible.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic Action Plan! Stick with it, and you will have a terrific freshman year, Kelsie! 50/50 for your Plan.


Renaissance powerpoint Notes

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