Thursday, August 31, 2017

Five-Action Plan

I’m going to be honest, I procrastinate. A lot. I don’t want to, but I do. I always get what I need to get done, done. However, I wait until the last minute to start it. So, my first step in my five-action plan will be to write sticky notes saying what I need to complete the next day on the wall next to my bed before I go to sleep every night. Next, I want to and need to get way more hours of sleep. So, my second step in my five-action plan is going to be to try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night, even if I have a late soccer practice. Go home, eat dinner and do homework, sleep. For my third step into my action plan, I want to make sure that I get involved in more than one extracurricular activity at John Carroll this year. So, maybe I will try the play in the spring, or track in the winter, indoor soccer, or photography for a club. The fourth step of my action plan this year is going to also help me get a better night sleep. I really want to get my kittens to sleep on my bed when I go to sleep, it so so so cute and It would definitely help me with sleep. :) Last step of my action plan for freshman year is to work my way up to at least 30 minutes of playing time on varsity each game. I know it’s a stretch, but as I said in my previous blog… nothing is impossible.

A Message to Garcia

In A Message to Garcia, Elbert Hubbard points out that, even 100 years ago, people still made excuses for doing simple tasks and hard tasks and that people choose not to do their best on everything. The author, Elbert Hubbard, says how people just go to work so they don’t get fired or how some people make lame reasons not to do something simple when somebody asks. He explains that people just don’t want to help somebody and they choose not to be caring people who want to help when someone needs you to do something. They either make excuses or ask for something in return. I think that whatever task is given to you, no matter how difficult, you can complete. Nothing is impossible. Like Elbert Hubbard wrote about, even if you have to sneak past an army to deliver a message to save your country, you can do it. So why keep yourself from your full potential? I do agree with Elbert Hubbard that people give up too easy even if they haven’t tried yet, and that half-hearted work that some people give is pathetic. If you’re asked to do something or you have to do something, just give it your all because you must do it anyways. You’ll be proud of yourself because you know that you couldn’t have done better. The author stresses the importance and need for more people with a positive mindset and hardworking people to persevere even in hard times throughout his essay A Message to Garcia.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Syllabus Day

Today in class, we went over the class syllabus. I now know the late policy, where Mr. Schick’s office is, and I know what Human Geography is. I’m excited to learn about human geography in this class. I love traveling and learning about other cultures and I’ve always been curious on how people live in unique places in the world. Also, now everybody has their blog set up. I wonder what our first topic that we will learn about is going to be. Maybe it will be political geography, or cultural, but it would be so cool if we learned about the food that people in certain areas make and eat. I’m not sure if we learn about that, but it would be interesting. I found out today that this Human Geography class is only one semester long. I will be having Western Civilization next semester. This class is going to be super fun, and I am ready to learn about the world!

Renaissance powerpoint Notes

1300-1600 "rebirth" cities were the center of action  Milan and florence had wealthy merchants and bankers artists in these c...