Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Comparing Governments Then vs. Now

res publica - the people's affair
brand new republic, ready to run 3 parts
  • democracy(the people's assembly and the tribunes)
  • aristocracy (the senate approx 300 members)
  • monarchy (the consuls)
  • NOT a tyranny

  • originally, the US modled their new government on the model used by the ancient Romans
  • both have 3 branches:
    • executive
    • legislative
    • judicial  
  • both have a legal code
  • not exactly the same, but similar governments then vs now 
  • two consuls 
  • one year terms
  • each has veto power
  • controls the military
  • could appoint a dictator in a crisis for a 6 month term
  • president plus VP
  • four year terms
  • can veto proposed laws
  • commander-in-chief of the military
  • senate- 300 people -aristocrats- members for life
  • Assemblies (either Centuriate of Tribal) 
  • 193 members, later became 373
  • members for life 
  • senate- 100 senators (2 from each state) - six year terms (1/3 voted for at a time)
  • house of representatives- 435 members. States with higher populations, get more representatives
  • each serve 2 year terms

  • praetors (judges)
  • chosen by the Centuriate Assembly 
  • one year terms
  • supreme court
  • nine members
  • lifetime terms
  • appointed by president, confirmed by senate

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