Monday, April 16, 2018

Class notes from friday and monday

Who settled Rome?
  • etruscans 
    • came from north-central part of the peninsula
    • metalworkers, artists, and architects
  • two foundation myths
    • virgil's aeneid- where aneas escapes from troy
    • story of romiulus and remus 
  • had colonies around the mediterranean sea
  • romans borrowed ideas from the greeks such as:
    • religious beliefs
    • alphabet
    • democracy 
  • descendants of indo-europeans
  • settled on the banks of Tiber River
  • situated so trading ships- but not war fleets- could navigate as far as rome
  • a commercial part, but not susceptible to attack
  •  build on Thillis
  • Remus wanted Aventine
  • Romulus vhose Palestine
  • Rome named after Romulus
  • many streams flowed into Tiber River
  • marshy area is called the Forum
  • Tarquin the Proud's grandfather built the Cloaca Maxima (largest ancient drain), channeled water into Tiber River.
  • Urban Legend says D.C. was built on a swamp- only 2% was swampland
  • constitution Avenue is located on, what used to be called, Tiber Creek 
"If you dont learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it."

Test Quest
  • Lucius Tarquinias 
  • the 7th final king of rome
  • known as tarquin the Proud or the Arrogant
  • a true tyrant inn ancient and modern times
  • ** The people's shock at this horrible family and their terrible behavior made them NEVER want to be subject to the rule of kings EVER**
  • this was an attitude that would last for centuries
  • rule of kings is replaced by two consuls
  • consuls are elected officials
  • term of office:one year
  • consuls were always aristocrats aka. Patricians
  • patricians traced their descent from a famous ancestor or pater "father"
  • duties of consul: dealing justice, making laws, commanding the army
  • one consul could veto the other 
Plebians stand up
  • fith century BCE patrcian dominance of the government was challenged by the plebs
  • plebs were 98% of the population
  • how patricians dominate:
    • plebs had to serve in the army, but could not hold office
    • plebs were threatened with debt slavery
    • plebs had no legal rights
  • plebs were victims of discriminatory decisions in judicial trials 
  • rome had no actual laws
    • patricians could interpret these "laws" to their own advantage
  • SO, plebs refused to serve in the military until...
    •  the laws were written out in The Law of Twelve Tables
    • these laws on tablets were posted in public 450 B.C.
    • tribunes "tribal leaders" were elected (fake power)
  • SPQR - senatus populusque Romanium
    • designates any decree or decision made by "the roman senate and people"

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