Sunday, March 25, 2018

Study Guide

Alexander's Empire:
  1. Philip builds macedonia Empire
    • (philip is alexander's dad and king of macedonia)
    • invaded greece and WON!
    • he was going to conquer Persia, but he was murdered
  2. Alexander names himelf king at 20 years old
    • Alexander defeats Persia (darius III)
    • when young: tutored by Aristotle, and relied on the Iliad
    • Alexander vs. Darius:
      • Alexander is outnumbered by Darius's army, but wins anyways
    •  crowned pharoah in 332 B.C., he told them he was a God
    • Alexander's army moves east to mesopotamia. Darius's army outnumbered him again with a HUGE army. Battle at Guagamela. Alexander used phalanx and won again.
    • Alexander continues east to persepolis, and burned and destroyed it 
     3. Alexander's other conquests
    • now reigned as unchallenged ruler of southwest asia
    • 326 BC Hydaspes River, deafeats india
    • been fighting for 11 years and marched 11,000 miles. So army turned home
    • 323 BC army reaches Babylon. Alexander settled there
    • Alexander died at 32 years old, never carried out full plans. Fever?

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