Monday, February 12, 2018

War and Greek Mythology

  • Zeus- ruler of heaven and earth; father athena; god of the sky, weather, thunder, lightening, law, order, and justice. Had a temper and was known to hurl thunder bolts
  • Athena- Goddess of wisdom, skill, and warfare (and peace), intelligence, battle strategy, and handicrafts. she was born from Zeus' head fully formed and armored. A special patron of heroes- such as Odysseus. She was the patron of athens( the city was named after her)
  • Apollo- god of music, arts, knowledge, healing
    • Zeus was his father Artemis was his twin sister
    • he is associated with the sun, and sister with the moon
  • Poseidon- god of sea, rivers, floods, and earthquakes
    • brother of Zeus
  • Aphrodite- goddess of love, desire, beauty, sexuality
    • her lovers included Ares(god of war), Adonis(demi-god desire), and Archises (mortal who fathered a baby)
  • Demeter- goddess of grain, harvest, agriculture
    • Zeus' sister
  • Greek mythology most likely unfolded over time to become part of culture and origin story
  • The fighting spartans:
    • greeks were certainly a warlike people- especially the spartans
    • spartans were known for their tough,ruthless infantry: soldiers who fought on land
    • spartan boys were trained by the time they were seven years old
  •  the phalanx:
    • close-rank, dense grouping of warriors
    • armed by long spears, swords, and interlocking shields
    • soldiers would advance slowly toward the enemy, until they broke through their ranks
    • strategy, a systematic approach
    • leaders tended to be in the back
  • Athens naval power:  
    • athens had a great infantry, too, but nothing could compare to their navy
    •  their most effective weapon was the trireme
      • trireme was a technological marvel
      • fastest ship in the world at the time 
      • rowed by up to 170 men on three levels 
      • could be used as a battering ram 
      • agile, fast

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