Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Greeks Crucible of Civilization

  • cleisthenes would see the ordinary people try at freeedom
  • born around 570 BC
  • taught he was an aristocrat, member of ruling class
  • aristocrats control everything that happened
  • acropolis steep sided, bare rock, strongghold
  • reading and writing was a rare skill
  • life expectancy at birth was 15 years
  • life extremely tough
  • common people had no part, no share, in anything
  • civilizations usually grew up around rivers, but not greece
  • fragmented world
  • divided into city states, fiercely independent, own cultures
  • corinthians dominated greek trade
  • sparta, military power
  • lives structured around discipline and war
  • lives stripped of comfort
  • greek mythology inspired the greeks 
  • the iliad and the odyssey, composed by homer
  • the vision of the hero was the model that cleisthenes was brought up to follow
  • Pysistritis seized control of government as a tyrant
  • turned to the common athenians for support
  • reduced taxes, offered athenians a chance of prosperity
  • olives were mostly grown in athens
  • good product for trade
  • greece is in the middle of most ancient civilizations
  • the vase, athens first great artistic legacy
  • hippias started to rule athens with fair hand but soon changed
  • 514 hippias brother was murdered, his behavior changes
  • tortured and killed suspects/murderers
  • cleisthenes tried to overthrow hippias
  • hippias banished from athens, forever
  • olympics were a chance for any greeks to display any heroic qualities
  • isagoris was another athenian aristocrat
  • had support of spartans
  • athenian assemby would gather every 9 days

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