Tuesday, February 6, 2018

gods or Gods?

The beginning portion of class today was on taking notes about Greek Mythology. Mr. Schick doesn't go too far into depth about this topic because he cares more for the real live people and their events rather than the fake stories. I see why he would think that, i mean he is a History teacher. Anyways, of course i don't believe any of the stories in Greek Mythology, but i just think they are so interesting. This topic just sparks up my imagination! I like thinking that there was almost a god for everything who was so unique in every way possible.

We also got into a huge class discussion about this but then people became so annoying and started asking ridiculous, off topic questions and statements that only steered the discussion farrrrr away from where Mr. Schick intended it to go. Basically class felt like my religion class. It was so annoying because they all knew that Mr. Schick could not answer all of these, literal out of this world, questions. Like for example, someone would ask questions on what happens when we die. UGH no one can answer these questions. It was like the class was talking in circles... Anyways, another topic was on why one religion shouldn't be viewed more important than another because once again WE HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING. So, we should all just believe in what we believe in and have faith in it because we can't prove one way of creation more true than the other. We  just have to believe.

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