Tuesday, January 2, 2018

My birthday class

Political Geography:
How is the world organized?
  • country- an identifiable land area (can point it out on a map)
  • nation- a population with a common culture
  • state- a population under a single government, can also be a country
a nation= nations are groups of people larger than a single tribe or community, which may share a common language, institutions, religion, and/or historical experience
institutiona significant practice/relationship/organization in a society or culture
institutions of america ex: watching sports,  fast food, going to school/education...

an independent state:
  • has space or territory which has internationally recognized boundaries
  • has people who live there on an ongoing basis
  • has economic activity and organized economy which regulates foreign and domestic trade and issues money
  • has the power of social engineering such as education
 Also, today in class we had a discussion on how religious practices have changed throughout the years in America. For example, almost everything in the US used to close on Sunday to recognize the day of rest in the Christian religion. It seems that now we tend to forget that Sunday is a holy day and we are not supposed to do much of anything.

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