Monday, January 22, 2018

Homer who?... Simpson?

No, not Homer Simpson. Great show, but sorry you will not be hearing about Homer Simpson on this post...
  • Ancient greeks were a very active people, invented olympics
  • Mycenae was on an island protected by a 20 foot thick wall. they were also really good at building ships
  • 1400 BCE Mycenaens invaded crete and absorbed Minoan culture
  •  people now used to think the Trojan war was fictional because of the involvement of greek mythology, but archaeologists found that there actually was a war in the city of Troy
  • around 1200 BCE the mysterious "sea people" began to invade Mycenae, and burnt palace after palace
  • "sea people" are unidentified 
  • dorians were less advanced than the people they invaded, very isolated/ not interested in contact with other places
  • dorians didnt write things down, writing disappeared as they remained in control for 400 years
  • this time period is referred to as the dark ages in Greece
  • Greek oral tradition- stories passed on by word of mouth
  • Homer lived at the end of these "Greek Dark Ages"
  • homer composed stories of the Trojan war
  • Composed Iliad and Oddysey
  • The Odyssey is 12,110 lines long
  • homer was blind
  • he was a hugely influencial person in greek history

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