Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Greece is the Word

Cultures of the Mountains and Sea Notes:
  • democracy in which citizens exercised power
  • Greeks created sculptures of gods and goddesses
  • they did not live on land, they like to say that they live around the sea
  • sea was important for transportation because Greece lacked natural resources such as timber, precious metals, and usable farmland
  • mountains divided the land into different regions and groups of people
  • these groups had their own governments with different political and cultural views
  • it was hard to travel over these mountain barricades
  • historians believe the infertile land of Ancient Greece led the Greeks to seek new sites for colonies
  • mycenaens and minoan civilizations
  • Myceneans fought a war against Troy and hid soldiers in a wooden horse to capture the city of Troy
Notes on powerpoint:
  • the world's great civilizations settled by rivers/ water source
  • Mesopotamia/ tigris and euphrates river
  • India/ Indus river
  • China/ Huang He river
  • Egypt/ Nile river 
  • Adrianic Sea
  • Ionian sea
  • Greece is a peninsula
  • Mediterranean = " middle of earth"

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