Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Why Do People Migrate?

Push forces:
-civil war
-environmental degradation
-unenployment or underemployment
-religious, political, or ethnic persecution

Pull forces:
-better economic opportunity
-better health service
-religious freedom
-political freedom

Total Fertility Rate (TFR): the average number of children born per woman
-for a population to remain the same, the TFR must be 2.1
Higher than 2.1: population rises
Lower than 2.1: population falls
World TFR: last year was 2.42. There was an increase in population

CIA World Factbook
What is the population of the US? 326,625,791 people
What is the infant mortality rate of the US, and where do we rank? 5.8 deaths/ 1000 live births and we are ranked 169 in the world.
Infant mortality rate: how many born babies die before their first birthday
Which country has the highest percentage of Catholics: Canada, the US, or Mexico? 1. Mexico at 82.7% 2. Canada at 39% 3. The US at 20.8%
What country has the largest population in Africa? Nigeria

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