Saturday, November 11, 2017

POP Quiz Retake

Basically Mr. Schick gave us a pop quiz the other day in class. And we have had one in his class before, but like everyone freaks out when there is some sort of quiz. Ever. Not saying that i enjoy quizzes or that i feel prepared for pop quizzes, because im not, but it is high school. You're gonna have to take tests. Anyways, we took this quiz but we only had 10 seconds to answer each question. And i do agree that it was hard to get the correct answer in ten seconds, but that is the way the test is written, that's what the teacher said to do. If he thought that we couldn't do well, he wouldn't have given it to us. I got an 80% which is not what i wanted but it was a small grade so it was ok i guess. But, after the whole class complained about the quizzes and how everyone has F's... Mr. Schick was so so so nice and let us retake the SAME EXACT QUIZ! I was not expecting that, but hey i won't complain. So after taking the quiz again i got a 100 so that helped my grade a bit. :) Oh and i know my teachers birthday now! Sorry if this blog doesn't really make sense... I ran 5 miles yesterday for track and was so tired when i got home yesterday and i didn't do my blog then, and i had 2 soccer games to day in the freezing cold one at 9 am so i had to get up at 6:30 and another later... So here i am 9:47 on saturday night i just got home, but hey i did my blog!:)

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