Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Roman Republic book notes

The Origins of Rome:
  • rome was built on 7 rolling hills on the Tiber River near center of Italian peninsula
  • earliest settlers arrived in 1000-500 B.C.
  • 3 groups inhabited the region:
    • latins (the first romans)
    • greeks (750-600 B.C. established colonies in southern Italy and Sicily)
    • Etruscans (native to northern italy)
  • Etruscans- skilled metal workers and engineers; system of writing; arch in architechure
Early Republic:
  • Forum = the heart of roman political life 
  • last king of rome was Tarquin the Proud. He was a harsh tyrant, lost power in 509 B.C
  • res publica = public affairs
  • Republic= government in which power rests with citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders
  • patricians = wealthy landowners who held most of the power
  • plebains = the common farmers, artisans, and merchants who made up the majority of the population 
  • patricians claimed ancestry gave them authority
  • roman leaders allowed Plebians to form their own assembly and elect representatives called tribunes
  •  tribunes protect rights of citizens and unfair actions towards them  
  • 451 B.C., ten officials began writing down laws
  • laws carved on stone tables/tablets
  • these 12 Tables established the idea that all free citizens had a right to the protection of the law
  • had 2 consuls: commanded army and directed the government (term 1 year)
  • one consul could overrule the other
  • senate: aristocratic branch of government
    • made up of 300 upper class citizens
  • A Tribal Assembly, organized by plebians, elected tribunes and made laws for the people
  • dictator: a leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army. (6 months)
    • chosen by consuls, elected by the senate 
  • all citizens were required to serve in the army
  • legions: large military units
    • made of 5,000 infantry soldiers + a group of cavalry 
    • divided into smaller groups called a century  
 Rome spreads its Power:
  • defeated Etruscans and Grek city- states
  • by 265 B.C. Rome controlled all of Italy
  • in territories outside of Rome, they were citizens but couldnt vote
  •  neighboring territories were full citizens
  • this lenient policy helped rome succeed in building a long lasting empire
  • rome location- easy access to riches of lands in mediterranean sea
  • Carthage was is north africa on the coast 
  •  264 B.C.  Rome and carthage went to WAR
  • Punic Wars
  • war #1: control over sicily and western mediterranean
    • lasted 23 years (264-241 B.C.)
    • Rome won 
  • war #2: 
    • 218 B.C. 
    • Carthage led by Hannibal 
  • Hannibal= brilliant military strategist who wanted to avenge carthage's defeat
  • 50,000 infantry
  • 9,000 cavalry
  • 60 elephants
  • led army through Spain, France, and the Alps
  • Hannibal won at Cannae in 216 B.C., never captured Rome
  • Scipio made a plan to attack Carthage, forced Hannibal to return his army home
  • 202 B.C. Rome deafeated Hannibal
  • war #3: carthage Control
    • 149-146 B.C. 
    • in 146 Carthage was set on fire and its people sold into slavery

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