Thursday, February 22, 2018


  • looked to science and logic(not the mythological gods) for explanations of how the world worked
  • socrates wanted people to think for themselves
  • the socratic method fostered ccritical thinking
  • "i cannot teach anybody. i can only make them think"
  • "the unexamined life is not worth living"
  • death by drinking poison hemlock, could've escapes, but he stood before the law
  • he was charged with impiety(disrespecting gods), and corrupting the youth of Athens
  • he never apologized for what he did, said he should get rewarded
  • was a student and follower of Socrates
  • apology back then was an explanation for something
  • he wrote out Socrates' teaching, and described his trial in Apology
  • republic was socrates' discussion of justice and the ideal state- one of the most influential books on philosophy ever written
  • was a student of plato
  • he helped foster the idea of athens as an intellectual destination
  • his school- the Lyceum- focused on cooperative research- building on the knowledge gathered from all over the world
  • wanted everything anyone would ever need to know be available in Athens
  • logic-physics-biology
  • ethies-politics-rhetoric
  • motion-theatre-poetry
  • metaphysics-phycology-dreams ect...
  • he also tutored Alexander the Great

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