Friday, February 16, 2018

Democracy and Greece's Golden Ages

I am very sorry. I took wonderful notes in class today. I was typing them out and i went to copy and paste it into word to see how many words i had... It all deleted. I am literally in tears right now. I am not going to retype it because i spent a lot of time and now i'm depressed. I would still appreciate the full points becuase i tried really hard to be a good student and get all of my homework done after school right now before ssaturday started. KDKJHSDUFHVADS CDSKAI... I actually just realized that this is probably 200 words soooo.. But if u would like to know if im lying, i have witnesses. U can ask me and i will bring them to you ASAP. have a wonderful weekend

1 comment:

  1. Handwritten notes can't get deleted, can they?

    Just sayin'...


Renaissance powerpoint Notes

1300-1600 "rebirth" cities were the center of action  Milan and florence had wealthy merchants and bankers artists in these c...