Tuesday, November 28, 2017

TED video notes

  • population pyramids are powerful population predictors
  • demographic transition has 3 stages 
  • #1 is a pre-industrial society #2 is an industrial society and stage #3 is a post-industrial society
  • industrialization= the increase of factories and jobs to produce goods on a much larger scale by using machines
  • in developing countries workforce works for a lesser salary
  • The time of the baby boom in the United States was when this country was at the peak of it's industrialization
  • after industrialization begins, life expectancy increases and child mortality decreases
  • post industrialization societies have lower birth rates because women have access to birth control and in these countries, women have more opportunities. It is more uncommon in these places rather than developing countries for women to start families at a younger age rather than go to college or have a job
  • industrialization causes movement from rural areas to cities because of the jobs provided there
  • post industrialization societies have low birth and death rates
  • the United States is in the post- industrialization stage

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