Tuesday, October 24, 2017

possible test questions

Q 1: What is globalization?
A 1: globalization is a force or process that involves the entire world and results in making something worldwide in scope.
Q 2: What do geographers tend to see at the local scale vs. at the global scale?
A 2: at the local scale, geographers notice unique features however on a global scale they tend to see broad patterns.
Q 3: How many time zones are there?
A 3: 27 time zones
Q 4: what is cultural landscape?
A 4: an area fashioned from nature by a cultural group. The combination of both physical and human characteristics that uniquely define places and areas
Q 5: where does the prime meridian go through?
A 5: Greenwich, England
Q 6: who proposed a worldwide system of time zones?
A 6: Sir Sanford Flaming
Q 7: what does GPS stand for?
A 7: Global positioning system
Q 8: describe the difference between a place and a region.
A 8: a place is a unique location and a region is an area with similar human and physical features
Q 9: what is the science and art of map making?
A 9: cartography
Give an actual example of thinking globally and acting locally.
My response= by thinking globally about the trash in the world’s oceans, we can act locally by recycling here in Maryland. By recycling in Maryland, we can reduce the amount of trash that build up in the Chesapeake Bay. If we keep our small bay in Maryland clean, other places might follow our lead and the ocean will start to be cleaner. For example, I do know that when my family used to live in New Jersey they had to recycle their soda cans. If Maryland passed a law that forces us to recycle, the Bay would improve.

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