Monday, October 30, 2017

measuring population

Life expectancy:  the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year
Why are men expected to live less?
-They take more risks than most women do
-There are more men than women that have very dangerous jobs such as a lumberjack or construction worker
-There are more men than women in the armed forces
Crude birth rate: the number of births per 1,000 of the population
Crude death rate: the number of deaths per 1,000 of the population
Rate of Natural Increase (RNI):
-Produced by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate
-This gives us the annual natural growth rate -in percentage form- for a country or region
Net migration rate: the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during a year
-An excess of persons entering the country in net immigration (written in a positive number)
-An excess of persons leaving the country is net emigration (written in a negative number)

Thursday, October 26, 2017

World Population Growth

We started a new unit in human geo today but after of course everyone asked literally every question that was off topic. But, we did learn some new things in class besides everyone’s family stories (including mine oops). Mr. Schick pulled up a population clock of the whole world and the class really got to see how fast the world’s population is going up. Also, he showed us a chart of how many years it has taken for the world to hit each population increased by 1 billion. The chart showed that around 1974, the population growth over the years became more level than it used to be. It used to take 125 something or 33 years to reach 1 billion more people in the population, but now it steadied to take around 12 years. One of the reasons why the population growth probably slowed down was because this was the same year that China, the country with the highest population growth in the world set out new standards for how many children a family should have. In China during this time, if you lived in the city you should have 1 kid and if you lived in a rural area, you could have 2 kids because you needed to have them for manual labor. Of course, there are other factors but China controlling each family’s amount of kids definitely played a role in why the population growth of the world started steading out.  

Renaissance powerpoint Notes

1300-1600 "rebirth" cities were the center of action  Milan and florence had wealthy merchants and bankers artists in these c...